Saturday, May 5, 2007

Flea market

Got a new computer ordered for me at work two days ago. Hopefully I'll get it on Monday. I estimate a 30%-50% creativity and productivity boost from not having to fight a 6-year-old overburdened zombie computer any more. :-)

Risbro Church flea market
Helped my parents at the Risbro Church flea market today. They hold one twice a year and since I happened to be in town I had offered to help where needed. I was put in charge of the "10-crowns table", mostly populated with cups, candle holders, weird wodden boxes and flower pots. Doesn't sound very exciting, but we actually sold for a couple of hundreds' worth at that table.

I found some things for myself at the market as well, but mainly I was inspired to donate most of the stuff in Linköping that's been under my bed ever since I moved in, or has even stayed in the boxes since I moved the time before that. Maybe bring it to Fagersta, or just donate it to Myrorna in Linköping. Ah, and the ever-planned project of getting rid of old clothes, of course.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Still busy

Uppsala Walpurgis
Came home two weeks ago, but still haven't gone through all my pictures and recounted the events of Sendai and HK/Macau/GZ, because I've been busy working and (still!) traveling.

Went to Stockholm and Uppsala this weekend to visit my friends excds and daddyfool, spend Walpurgis Night with thousands of other students and finally to visit my sister, whose birthday is on Thursday.

Muddling along at work. Now it seems I'm actually going to get a new computer, which will remove many daily frustrations. Tomorrow we are having a meeting regarding a major project I will be doing this summer. Feels good to be there for long enough to actually finish something, for a change.

Will come to Linköping on Tuesday. No later, because I'm participating in an exchange studies promotion thing at the uni Wednesday night. No earlier, because my brother and sister-in-law are moving into their house on Tuesday.